about Spiritual Pursuits in Nepal:

So many travelers
come to Nepal for meditation, yoga, astrology, retreats and to merge
with the mighty Himalayas. Activities are mainly centered around
the Kathmandu Valley, though Pokhara is becoming popular with more
options becoming available. The following gives you a guideline
of different spiritual activities and natural healing in Nepal.
When you come to Nepal you can find lots of advertising for courses,
study and activities on the following topics.
Vipassana is one of the most ancient techniques. Long lost to people,
it was rediscovered by Gautam Buddha more than 2500 years ago. Vipassana
means 'to see things as they really are'. It is an art of living
which frees the individual from all the negativities of mind, such
as anger, greed and ignorance. It is a practice which develops positive,
creative energy for the betterment of the individual and society.
The path (Dhamma) is a universal remedy for universal
problems and has nothing to do with any religion. It can be practiced
freely by anyone without conflict with race, caste or religion,
in any place, and at any time and it will prove beneficial to everyone.
Nepal has many places where you can uncover further
truths through meditation.
Contact: Himalayan Buddhist Meditation
Center, at Kamaladi Ganesthan, Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph: 977-1-4221875,
There are courses in Healing Meditation, weekly introductory meditation
classes, guided meditation classes twice a week and Mandala workshops.
On Saturdays Dharma teachings, video showings and residential Buddhist
courses 2-3 times a month.
Kopan Monastery, north of Bouddha,
Ph: 977-1-4481268,,
Offers courses for 7 or 10 days, also month long courses. You can
also visit for the day and pay for lunch.
Nepal Vipassana Center, City
office: Kantipath, Kathmandu, Ph: 977-1-4250581. Budhanilkantha
Vipassana Center, Kathmandu, Ph: 977-1-4371655,
Courses are held for 10 days, twice a month. Which involves the
Noble Silence for the full ten days. There are no charges for the
teachings but a donation for food and lodging is welcome if the
student is satisfied.
The Panditarama Meditation Center
in Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautama Buddha, Ph: 977-71-80118,
Osho Tapoban International Communeo, located in
a forest to the west of the Kathmandu Valley,,
There are monthly meditation camps for 3 to 7 days.
The Kathmandu Center of Healing, Ph. 977-1-4371470,
PO Box 8975, EPC 5139, Galfutar, Kathmandu, Nepal,,
This place offers one month long professional courses in Thai massage.
They cost around US$ 500 and include lunch and dormitory accommodation.
Five and ten day courses are also sometimes held. Other activities
like Yoga, Reike are available too.
The Herbal Massage Center,
Durbar Marg (Opp. Nepal Indosuez Bank) Kathmandu, Ph. 4228216. If
you have any kind of headache, dizziness, drowsiness or any kind
of general weakness or joint pain, visit this center and get your
body back in shape. The services include Japanese acupressure, lemon
massage, Nepali soft relaxing massage, Indian hard massage and herbal
Like the other significant parts of the Nepali heritage Astrology
too links its origin to the Vedas, the major source of virtually
everything (for the Hindus) written thousands of years ago.
Mesh (Aries), Brish (Taurus), Mithun (Gemini),
Karkat (Cancer), Simha (Leo), Kanya (Virgo), Tula (Libra), Brishchik
(Scorpio), Dhanu (Sagittarius), Makar (Capricorn), Kumbha (Aquarius)
and Meen (Pisces) are the 12 signs of the zodiac, and in Nepali
they are called Rashi.
In Nepal the moment a baby is born, the first
thing they do is note down the exact time of birth. Then it is given
to the astrologer, who according to the position of the different
planets in the solar system at that precise moment prepares a Cheena
(horoscope). Cheena is a rectangular chart, which indicates the
degree of influence of the planets from the solar world on the people
born to a particular Rashi. Highlighting the positive and negative
aspects of ones life. When Nepali's are having a difficult time
they go to their astrologer with their Cheena for consultation.
Astrologers are also consulted on various occasions
like rice feeding, sacared thread and weddings. Tika in Dashain,
Bhai Tika in Tihar, including a series of national festivals, are
occasions when the astrologers are involved in choosing auspicious
hours for these festivities to take place. When a person dies their
Cheena is taken to the crematorium or ghat along with their dead
Yoga = 'Unity', 'Oneness'. Came from the Sanskrit word "YOG"
which means "TO JOIN". To many, the thought of yoga has
an image of postures (Asanas) to develop flexibility, general body
health and awareness. This is just the beginning. While the main
point is to reach the highest goal of the spiritual path, practicing
yoga can give benefits to everyone regardless to their spiritual
The Eight Fold Path of Yoga looks deeply into
the morality of living. It consists of: Yama (self restraints),
Niyama (self observances) Asana, Pranayama (breath techniques),
Pratyhara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana
(meditation) and Samadhi (identification with pure consciousness).
There is an inter-relationship between yoga and
meditation and you can decide to focus more on either one or both
together. The Himalayas have played a big role in self realization.
It's isolation from the world and ideal environment makes Nepal
an ideal place to practice yoga.
Kathmandu is where you'll find yoga classes most.
Notice boards in hotels and restaurants will advertise current courses
and activities.
You can also inquire at the following places
for classes and private tuition.
The Kathmandu Center of Healing,
Ph. 977-1-4371470, PO Box 8975, EPC 5139, Galfutar, Kathmandu, Nepal,,
Hansada Yoga Ashram, Janagal
Banepa, outside Kathmandu, Ph: 977-1-4531718/4530260 or Banepa 977-1-461536.
Arogya Ashram, Gaushala, Kathmandu, Ph: 977-1-4470776,
Patanjali Yoga Centre, Chaunni, Kathmandu, Ph: 977-1-278437,
Ananda Yoga Center, Ph: 977-1-4353477,
Nepal is the birth place of one of the greatest healers known, Shakyamuni
Gautam Buddha. Today in the Kathmandu Valley many monasteries and
schools is where the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha can be heard,
the same as it was two and a half thousand years ago.
What makes Buddhism unique is its scientific
and logical explanation of life, without an outside creator. The
Buddha tells us we are responsible for our lives and environment,
and that with practical methods we can achieve enlightenment in
this very lifetime. Buddha's teachings of peace are practiced as
a way of life and are more relevant today than ever before. Peace
begins from within our own hearts and minds.
Two of the largest Buddhist pilgrimage sites
in the world are in the Kathmandu Valley. Bouddhanath and Swayambhunath
Stupas attract thousands of Buddhists and visitors each day. Many
monasteries and schools of Buddhism offer teachings for those wishing
for peace of mind and happiness.
In ancient legends, it was taught that Shambala
lies in the heart of the Himalaya and the Himalaya lie in the heart
of many Buddhists, where Shambala exists. To see, experience and
listen to the words of Buddha there are many places in Nepal and
you will not be disappointed.
Contact: Ka-Mying Shedrub Ling Monastery
in Bouddhanath, there are annual seminars for westerners interested
in Buddhism. Tulku Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche offers Saturday morning
teachings all year. The International Buddhist Academy, Tinchuli,
Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph: 977-1-4479218 or 4478632,,
They offer resident and non-resident study courses in Buddhist practice,
Philosophy and Tibetan language. The International Buddhist Center
at Buddha Nagar, Lumbini, Nepal has also many activities available.
Ayurveda has been practiced in Nepal since the beginning of time.
The Himalaya is the base of purity, clarity and harmony, which is
the goal of every living creature. Nepal is one of the richest countries
in flora ranging from tropical to alpine in such a small area. A
lot of the flora is use for medicinal use and is considered part
of the cultural heritage of the country.
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning "the
science of life" or "a natural way of living". Ayurveda
includes yoga, meditation and the natural and spiritual sciences.
The objectives of Ayurveda are the development of awareness to lead
to desirelessness, the promotion of health and long life, prevention
and curing of disease, and to understand and to correct imbalances
and restore harmony in the person.
To understand Ayurveda in more detail you can
visit an Ayurveda practitioner in Nepal.
Contact: Ayurveda Health Home and Research
Center at Thamel (Tridevi Marg) Ph: 977-1-4414843, Fx:
and write to Dr. R.R. Koirala Consultant Ayurveda and Yoga Physician.
Also, Nepal Ayurveda Society, Tilingtar, Dhapasi - 7, Kathmandu,
Ph: 4358761,
Homoeopathy is a system of natural remedies made from animal, vegetable,
and mineral extracts. These remedies are prepared so they are non
toxic and do not cause side effects.
Homeopathy and Ayruveda have their similarities,
but in homeopathy there is an unusual thing where different medicines
are used often to treat the same condition in different people,
and the same medicine to treat different conditions. In Homeopathy
it is the patient that the practitioner looks at rather than the
disease or illness. Ayurveda and Homeopathy can be used together.
The Ministry of Health has a homeopathic division,
and practitioners and pharmacies can be found all over Kathmandu
Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest known medical traditions.
It is a science, an art and a philosophy that provides a holistic
approach to health care. Diagnostic techniques in Tibetan Medicine
includes visual observation, touch and interrogation.
Visual Observation : This involves checking the
patients skin complexion, the color of blood, nails, faces, and
other general conditions. Special attention is looked at the patients
tongue and urine.
Touch: Pulse reading forms the most important
touching method in Tibetan medicine. After ensuring an important
set of preconditions, the physician proceeds with the pulse diagnosis.
By placing the three middle fingers on the patient's radial arteries.
Interrogation: Interrogation forms an important
clinical aspect of the diagnosis. There are three main elements
to an interrogation. Determining the causative factors, determining
the site of the illness, studying the signs and symptoms; this involves
the doctor asking the patient about what sort of food and drink
they have been consuming and what kind of physical and mental behaviors
they have been experiencing.
Tibetan medicines take various forms, from decoctions,
powders, general pills, precious pills, and syrups, and are prescribed
in small doses - the emphasis Tibetan medicine places on gentle
There are several Tibet medical centers in Kathmandu,
which can be visited for consultations. Study in this field may
also be possible.
Contact: Kumphen Tibetan Medical Clinic,
Dr. Kunsang Dorjee, in Chetrapati near Thamel, Kathmandu, Ph: 977-1-4251920.
Also: Kailash Medical and Astro Society, Lady Dr. Tsering Choekyi,
in Bouddha inside Hotel Tibet, Kathmandu, Ph: 977-1-4484869, Fx:
healers and tantric healing in the himalayas
The "Jhankris" are shamans, who, with garlands of bells
around their necks dance and chant at the beat of the drum, which
they play in the possession of spirits. The ritual sometimes involves
sacrifice of either a rooster or a black goat. They are simple people,
a broomstick, some grains of husked rice, a pinch of ash, incense
sticks, water, charged with tantric spirits is all they need to
come out with a miracle to heal.
India saw its great tantric period between the
7th and 13th centuries. The visit of Padmansambhaba, a great Indian
spiritual master, during the 8th century, introduced his own type
of Buddhism to Tibet After the 13th century came the Mugal invasion
in India which was responsible for the tantric cult to come to Nepal
and Tibet. When in Nepal "Gubhajus" who came from the
highest priestly class of the Newars got his hands on to the cult.
But it was the Lamas from the monasteries in Tibet who had access
to it. Over the centuries tantrism has become a big part of faith
healing both in Nepal and Tibet.
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