is created to give companies of all sizes the ability to promote
their services, products, and their professionalism on the Internet,
without incurring a large startup cost. Sponsorship can start at
as low as $100 per year and you will assist us to promote Nepal
by being a part of a larger network. We all grow together and benefit
by investing on cooperative advertising towards a greater collective
Each sponsor may choose their level of commitment
by providing a link, hosting a site, promoting their website, creating
a banner, and/or supplying content. Want to know more? See the topics
below or Submit a
Promotion banners throughout
may just need that extra touch to draw attention to your services
and attract more visitors to your site. One sponsor drew over 48,000
visitors to their site in just 6 months with strategic banner placement
Learn more about banner and their placement here:
side bigger
Here are just
a few questions to ask yourself and know about Banners and
their placement.
Do you really want this type of
banner? Our site design will always bring up the
Right Side Top Banner placement first on a slow internet connection.
This is a good thing to guarantee a longer banner view. Some
recent internet marketing research, however, indicates viewers
are used to seeing banners at the top of the screen and consequently
(mentally) block them out. This may mean, a Sponsor Banner
within a topic (in the middle or bottom of
the page) may bring more exposure. See...
We made you look at the Ultimate Bungy Banner here while you
read this topic :). Also you can view this type of banner
- Dimensions: 150x225 Pixels
- Limited to 5 banners maximum rotation
- Rates: 300 $ per year
side medium
Do you
know why Carlsberg and Coca-Cola paint billboards and walls
all over the country? Saturation and repetition leads
to recognition! See how Himalayan Treasures and Travel has
multiple banners at: .
This is an example of one CLEVER sponsor
that believes in saturation marketing!
- Dimensions: 150x150 Pixels
- Limited to 5 banners maximum rotation
- Rates: 200 $ per year
side small

you given your client a reason to click the banner? Tell
your client about an interesting service you offer, offer
to send a color brochure, or offer a Windows Standard illusion
to generate a click.
Example: Interest Service ~ Click for Discounts
and a Map
This is an example of one CLEVER sponsor
that believes in saturation marketing!
- Dimensions: 150x85 Pixels
- Limited to 3 banners maximum rotation
- Rates: 100 $ per year
- Banner could be text or graphics
fixed banner
Do you know why banners should be simple?
Graphic size effects download time across the internet. A banner
that displays quickly will be exposed longer. Simple colors, graphics
and basic animation are a key for quicker display.
Examples: See the Banner below:

- Dimensions: 430x55 Pixels
- This is a fixed banner – there will
be no rotation
- Rates: 100 $ per year
100's of topics are available for this type of
banners. The Nepal
Yeti topic is what got us mentioned in Time
Magazine and we had no one sponsoring this topic! 100,000's
of people viewed this topic last year alone. Your own Sponsor Banner
can get you this much exposure for as little as $100 per year!
Can you imagine how many people visit to our
website to check out the topics like When
to Come Trekking, When to Come Rafting, and When
to Come to Nepal? How about the number of people that
show up to see the Festivals
Dates ? All these, and more, are the topics open to Banner
Example Banners: Go to's
Topic to see the Gaida Jungle Safari and Island Jungle
Resort banner placements.
Note: Some Sponsor Banners placed on our
site are already dedicated to existing sponsors. But, many Sponsor
Banners are in place as examples and are really not yet dedicated
to any individual sponsor.
To discuss how your business can benefit
from a relationship with,
please contact us at (977) 1 4417775 or send a request using our
special contact form.
topics viewed by visitors