
Nepal is the ultimate destination for the trekking Climbing Camping Lodge trek Expedition jungle safari rafting adventure tour and trekking offering a myriad of possibilities from the short and easy to the demanding trip.

Nepal has aptly been called "A Trekkers' Paradise" as her terrain-mountains, hills offer some of the most spectacular trekking trails in the world.

The immense contrasts in altitudes and climates support an equally spectacular mix of lifestyles, vegetation and wildlife. Trekking in Nepal is as much a cultural experience as adventure in the Himalayas. In the shadows and foothills of the icy pinnacles of the Himalayas, one passes picturesque charming villages inhabited by diverse ethnic groups.

Adventure Fairsteps Holiday Treks & Expedition one of the best tour operator trekking company in Nepal. Organize all our tour and trekking with a vision for positive change in the trekking industry a group of people committed to nature and adventure tourism formed Adventure Fairsteps Holiday Treks and Expedition. Our team comprises of leaders in Himalayan Adventure travel, naturalists, environmentalist and others, all with a mission:

In other words our mission is to add value to the quality of the traveler's experience as well as to improve the quality of Himalayan people's lives while protecting the environment religious and cultures typical of the region.

What is Adventure Fairsteps Holiday Treks & Expedition
Fairsteps Adventure Trekking team from the knowledge that there is an undeniable fragility in our planet and tourism (trekking in our case) can have an impact either as a positive force for increased awareness and change, or as a contributor to cultural and environmental exploitation.
Taking into consideration lessons learned from past experiences - the need for sustainable natural resources, cross-cultural exchange and, for tourist dollars to directly benefit the local economies through which they trek.