...In some
countries there is no hunger for bread. But people are suffering
from terrible loneliness, terrible despair, terrible hatred,
feeling unwanted, helpless, hopeless. They have forgotten
how to smile, they have forgotten the beauty of the human
touch. They are forgetting what is human love.
~ Mother Teresa

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a Child in Nepal

Nepal is one of the least developed
countries in the world. Almost 60% of the population lives under
the poverty line. Due to extreme poverty, in most of the cases,
the babies are abandoned by their parents and these little God’s
Gift get into an orphanage and they wait for someone loving and
caring to get them into their sweet homes to let them enjoy their
fundamental rights.
are lots of destitute children of both the sexes available for adoption
in Nepal like in Bal Mandir – a state run orphanage.
According to the adoption rules of the Government
in Nepal, infertile couples married for four years or even single
women, widow, divorcee are eligible to adopt a child. The age difference
between the adopted child and the parent should be not less than
35 and not more than 55 years.
Only one child of each sex is allowed for adoption
except in the cases of twins. If the willing adoptive parent has
his/her own offspring, in that case, acceptance to adopt a child
of another sex can be granted and in this case the adopted child
should age less than the offspring.
An application has to be submitted to adopt a
Nepali son or a daughter. In case of married couples, the application
should also include the infertility report, marriage certificate,
family and economic condition statement, health, character certificates,
copies of passport and visa and a letter of consent to adopt a Nepali
child authorized by the officer of the concerned country.
In the case of unmarried, divorced, windowed single
parent, a guarantee letter written by the government of his/her
country or the Embassy of his/her country in Nepal has to be submitted
confirming that he/she who is taking the child in adoption shall
bear the whole responsibility including nourishment and education
of the child including the authorized evidence.
Upon the approval of adoption, the child could
travel to the country of the adoptive parents. Until the adopted
child attains majority, the adoptive parent should inform the concerned
orphanage, Royal Nepalese Embassy or Mission located in the concerned
country and Ministry of Women Children and Social Welfare of His
Majesty's Government, in writing, on the child’s growth, diet,
education and health every year.
The Royal Nepalese Embassy or Mission will also,
on the basis of the documents submitted by the adoptive parents
and information sent by the Government of Nepal, submit a monitoring
report confirming the growth, diet, education and health of the
adopted son/daughter, until he/she attains majority, is in accordance
with the conditions to the Ministry of Women, Children and Social
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