Above the Clouds Trekking has built a reputed  image among mountainnering expedition
teams: trekking peak climbers: trekkers for long and short period in all regions of nepal plus visitors, visiting chitwan/bardia national parks: river rafting and other activities for high quality, exciting and flexible vacation in the tiny kingdom of Nepal. Bhutan and Tibet.

Above the Clouds Trekking is one of the pioner and well established trekking agency in the kingdom of Nepal, and we are registered and recognised by His Majesty's Government of Nepal. Ministry of Culture Tourism and Civil Aviation. We also hold an activ membership of Trekking Agents Association of Nepal (TAAN) and have the voting right. this millenium 200o marks 16th anniversary of above the clouds trekking and mountaineering in the field of mountain tourism.

We have been providing a team of experience and professional manpower, who are involved for last 16 years with different field works and world wide clients from all walks of life and of all ages, visiting this organisation.

Above the Clouds has so far introduced thousands of people around the clobe not only for trekking but to the trekking peaks as well as most of the Major Mountaineering expedition peaks. And. above all suffices it to say that not a single line or word of complain has reached our desk within this long span of life.

Further, another speciaLity of Above the Clouds is taking clients to those parts of the world where adventure travel is not well estblished anD where you have the maximum chance to set the local people living the way they have been for centuries.

There will be no comments if i say that my regular  website feeds back almost your trek plans to this tiny kingdom of the Himalayas including Tibet region as well.

However, that would take some time, which are involved in corresponding/communicating for further inquiries and confirmation of certain treks. Since all of us have our own day-to-day compulsion commitents and unfortunately, we can not escape from that.  Thus, with a view to assist you in meeting your plans and save most of the time; the proposals are tabled before you.

In other words if you want a moderately structured trek in the company of interesting people, these are the choice for you in a confirmed basis. I am sure that the following portfolio will be of much interesting for your acceptamce. 

Finally, we invite you to join us and creat yourown memories of the special corer of the world. All these areas capture peoples' heart and imagination like the Himalayas.

Please do contact for our brochure and other inquiries, particularly on these CONFIRMED treks.

Apart from being th land of the highest mountain on earth plus longest himalayan range along with spectacular scenery. the diversity far exceeds your dreams by penetrating you in a warm hospitality, friendly people of amazing different ethnic groups.

I am sure these treks will give you the accuracy to plan a definite trek with a limited time in your hand.

Look forward to hear from you.

Sincerely yours

Managing Director.

Above The Clouds Trips Report

(1) MIME-Version: 1.0
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.5762.3 Date: Thu, 21 Nov
2002 09:57:50 -0800
Thread-Index: AcKRD+VCrzZ2DHBMTvm/O8dh1E/91AAcdoLw From: "Rachel Schneir"
<rschneir@wisemangroup.com> To: "Gyalzen Sherpa" <atct@wlink.com.np> Cc:
"Susan Mcintyre" <smcintyre@wisemangroup.com>

Dear Gyalzen,
Thank you for your email. Yes, we both have been quite busy readjusting to
life as we knew if before we left. Lots of works, new ideas, catching up
with family and friends. The holidays are coming quickly and I am also
getting prepared for the new year to come, very exciting things approaching
for me. I am considering coming back to Nepal in either September or
October, we shall see what happens, but I would enjoy that greatly. I felt
very connected with the people and the environment as a whole. I want to
personally thank you for all of your kindness and hospitality. I had the
time of my life, you made it so easy for us. We were not concerned about
any of the details because they were all taken care of by you. Quite
wonderful. Thank you again. Please find the answers to you questions below:



3. ADDRESS: The Wiseman Group: 6 3 6 S a n B r u n o A v e: S a n F r a n c
i s c o:
C A 9 4 1 0 7 : United States of America Phone: ( 4 1 5 ) 2 8 2 - 2 8 8 0
Fax:( 4 1 5 ) 6 9 5 - 7 0 9 1
Email: rschneir@wisemangroup.com



we coordinated our plane tickets from here in the US, as soon as we arrived
in Kathmandu all of our ground and air transportation (from Kathmandu to
Lukla) was completely taken care of. It was very ease and comforting to not
have to think about the transportation as it was all handled quite smoothly
and professionally.

helpful and knowledgeable about all the details of the trek. Handled
everything perfectly. When I return to Nepal I will definetely be
requesting to have Lhakpa Sherpa be my guide once again. He took his job
very seriously making Susan and I feel completely comfortable at all times.
We stayed at all of the best lodges, he made sure we were comfortable, we
were offered tea and food plently of times, we always ate first although
there might have been other travellers at the same lodge, he made sure that
we were physically well by asking us many questions (do you have a
headache, did you eat all your food, more tea, that type of thing), never
left or sight during all the walking and when we would arrive at a town. He
made sure that we were safe, we felt safe.

been changed at the last minute, the cook that was with us, Pasang Sherpa,
did not cook for us because Susan and I decided to stay in the lodges. What
he did do was make sure if one of us was trailing behind while walking that
he waited for that person. He was the last one while Lhakpa was the first
and Susan and I in the middle. We both appreciated the fact that Pasang was
there too making sure the entire time that we were safe and that we were

4. HOW WELL DID PORTERS HANDLE THEIR JOB? The porter, Setuman Rai (sp?),
was truly amazing. He seemed quite young and somewhat small, but he was so
very strong that Susan and I wer constently amazed at his agility and
momentum. He kept up with us the entire time and seemed to have no problem
at all carrying all of our stuff (not easy being that we brought a lot of
stuff). We will never forget him.

leaving the US for Nepal because of the news that we had received during
the last year here about Nepal. When we arrived in Kathmandu and during the
trek I did not feel uneasy what so ever. I felt very calm and relaxed both
in Kathmandu and on our trek. If I do decide to come back to Nepal next
year, I will not be concerned too much about the Maoist activity. I don't
like to hear about it and I think it is unfortunate, but it certainly would
not keep me from coming back.

Marshangdi Hotel was so comfortable for both Susan and I. We loved it and
we loved the room we stayed in. Our view was amazing. The staff there was
so accomodating and quite friendly. I felt like we made friends there. In
the mountain region, like I said earlier, we thought we stayed in the nicer
lodges which was nice for us. The lodges were comfortable as well. I have
no complaints about any of it.

7. WHAT COMMENTS DO YOU HAVE ABOUT THE STAFF (mention names if available) I
think I have already answered this question. I will always remember Lhakpa,
Pasang and Seituman for all they did for us and the wonderful and peaceful
energy that they had. Gyalzen was amazing as well. He made us feel so at
home in Kathmandu (providing a guide for the city, taking care of all the
details at the hotel and at the airport). We felt truly blessed and
fortunate to have found Above the Clouds. Thank you again.

(2) Delivered-To: atct@wlink.com.np
From: "Rubinee" <rubinee@pd.jaring.my>
To: "Gyalzen Sherpa" <atct@wlink.com.np> Subject: Thank you
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 21:15:39 +0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3

Dear Mr Gyalzen I would very much like to thank you for arranging such a
great and enjoyable trip for our group. I am deeply impressed of the
arrangements as well as the kind people of Nepal. We enjoyed the city tour
and loved all the temples we visited. Our guide, Mr Bangsi was excellent.
Our trek was also very well co-ordinated by our Chief Guide, Mr Temba and
his assistants who took great care of the members of my group. Our Chief
Cook, Mr Pasang and his team were very good and gave us good food to eat
during all the meals. I was a little worried that i was going to return
home over-weight with all the good food that i was eating. On the whole,
it was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed the cultural experience as well
as the nature surrounding your wonderful Country. It is very hard to find
nature that has not been influenced by man. I saw people leading simple
and happy lives without a worry on their faces even though they have to
work very hard. The air is still fresh and unspoilt by man's
modernisation. Hope that it will not be spoilt in the years to come. I
am sure that you would have heard that some members from our group were not
very well behaved and I would like to apologise on their behalf. I myself
was surprised at their behaviour, especially people that i though i knew
for the past few years. Anyway, the photos i took turned out very well
and a lot of my friends who have seen it have been very impressed and are
very jealous. They too would like the opportunity to take a trip like i
did. I will pass out your calling cards to them and hope that they will be
able to contact you for a future trip. If you would still have us, my
friend/partner Gim Hoon and myself would like to make another trip to Nepal
hopefully in 2 years time. This time, we would like to trek along the
Solu-Khumbu region, maybe on a circuit too. If you could recommed a good
trek for 2-4 pax (not very keen to take a big group), i would appreciate
you advise and estimated expenses so that we can save up for our trip if we
are still healthy. Thank you once again for your kindness in making this
trip of ours in October 2002 a happy, joyous and memorable experience. We
also enjoyed the shopping in Katmandu and the Hotel was good and clean
too. You have a wonderful team and hope that they will stay on with your
company. Thanks & regards Rubinee NOTE : Thank you for the
wonderful painting. I really appreciate it. I showed it to one of my
father's friend who appreciates art. He was of praise of the artist. The
colours are striking and depicts the whole of Nepal wonderfully.

(3) Delivered-To: atct@wlink.com.np
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 02:38:28 -0800 (PST) From: Frank Euler
<frank_euler@yahoo.com> Subject: our trek in October
To: Gyalzen Sherpa <atct@wlink.com.np>
MIME-Version: 1.0

Delivered-To: atct@wlink.com.np
From: "Rubinee" <rubinee@pd.jaring.my>
To: "Gyalzen Sherpa" <atct@wlink.com.np> Subject: Thank you
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 21:15:39 +0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3

Dear Mr Gyalzen I would very much like to thank you for arranging such a
great and enjoyable trip for our group. I am deeply impressed of the
arrangements as well as the kind people of Nepal. We enjoyed the city
tour and loved all the temples we visited. Our guide, Mr Bangsi was
excellent. Our trek was also very well co-ordinated by our Chief Guide,
Mr Temba and his assistants who took great care of the members of my
group. Our Chief Cook, Mr Pasang and his team were very good and gave us
good food to eat during all the meals. I was a little worried that i was
going to return home over-weight with all the good food that i was eating.
On the whole, it was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed the cultural
experience as well as the nature surrounding your wonderful Country. It is
very hard to find nature that has not been influenced by man. I saw people
leading simple and happy lives without a worry on their faces even though
they have to work very hard. The air is still fresh and unspoilt by man's
modernisation. Hope that it will not be spoilt in the years to come. I
am sure that you would have heard that some members from our group were not
very well behaved and I would like to apologise on their behalf. I myself
was surprised at their behaviour, especially people that i though i knew
for the past few years. Anyway, the photos i took turned out very well
and a lot of my friends who have seen it have been very impressed and are
very jealous. They too would like the opportunity to take a trip like i
did. I will pass out your calling cards to them and hope that they will be
able to contact you for a future trip. If you would still have us, my
friend/partner Gim Hoon and myself would like to make another trip to Nepal
hopefully in 2 years time. This time, we would like to trek along the
Solu-Khumbu region, maybe on a circuit too. If you could recommed a good
trek for 2-4 pax (not very keen to take a big group), i would appreciate
you advise and estimated expenses so that we can save up for our trip if we
are still healthy. Thank you once again for your kindness in making this
trip of ours in October 2002 a happy, joyous and memorable experience. We
also enjoyed the shopping in Katmandu and the Hotel was good and clean
too. You have a wonderful team and hope that they will stay on with your
company. Thanks & regards Rubinee NOTE : Thank you for the
wonderful painting. I really appreciate it. I showed it to one of my
father's friend who appreciates art. He was of praise of the artist. The
colours are striking and depicts the whole of Nepal wonderfully.

(4) Dear Gyalzen:

After another 2 weeks in Thailand we are back in Miami Beach and would like
to thank you for a great time we had during our stay in Nepal.

The entire trek went very smoothly, we were also happy to note that besides
a somewhat higher military presence at the airports in Katmandu and Lukla
all seemed very peaceful and quiet.

If we ever make it back to Nepal you will be the first to know. Please give
our regards to Nema.

All the best,
Frank and Christiane


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